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  Obama pressures FCC for strong net neutrality rules

Aşağa gitmek 

Mesaj Sayısı : 9
Kayıt tarihi : 26/02/18

 Obama pressures FCC for strong net neutrality rules Empty
MesajKonu: Obama pressures FCC for strong net neutrality rules    Obama pressures FCC for strong net neutrality rules Icon_minitimeC.tesi Nis. 07, 2018 11:23 am


U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday pressured the federal communications regulator to toughen its planned Internet traffic rules, saying higher-fee "fast lanes" should be banned and Internet providers should be overseen more like public utilities are. Obama's detailed position on the issue of "net neutrality," a platform in his presidential campaign in 2008, represented a rare step by the White House into the policy-setting of an independent agency.

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Obama pressures FCC for strong net neutrality rules
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